The Truth about Debt Consolidation : It means taking out a new loan to pay off the other loans, liabilities or consumer debts. These are generally unsecured, and one or many debts combine into one large piece of Debt. It has a favourable term structure. The luring factors are lower interest rates, lower monthly payments, and lower tenure.
Generally, it helps pay off student loans, credit card debt and personal loans. The borrower has to make only one payment instead of many payments to other creditors. Debt consolidation does not erase the original Debt; it transfers the consumer’s loan to a different lender.
A credit card with a high credit limit and promotional interest rate are valid. It consolidates other high credit card balances having high-interest rates. It combines all the balances under an interest rate lower than the average.
Lenders often offer unsecured personal loans designed to pay off the remaining debts. Usually have a fixed interest rate and the repayment period.
Designed to combine many student loans into a single loan. This is available for both private and federal loans.
It allows a person to borrow 80 to 85 per cent of the home’s equity. A HELOC, a home equity line of credit, is like a credit card. This allows one to take a certain amount of money and repay via fixed repayments over a set period.
The person gets more than they owe on their first mortgage. This new mortgage pays off the old one. The difference can make up for the existing loans. It involves closing costs depending on the consolidation method chosen.
It is often viewed as a miracle cure for financial difficulty. Debt Consolidation shrinks the Debt, and the number of repayments goes down substantially, etc. The lenders themselves put up this picture.
Debt Consolidation results in lower payments. Consolidating credit card debt into a personal loan generally reduces the interest rate and the term. The minor repayment on a credit card may repay the Debt over 20 years, and consolidation brings that down to 7. Consolidating the Debt increases the monthly payment amount.
Consolidating Debt saves money. The upfront costs of debt consolidation may increase unnoticed. Exit fees, establishment fees, stamp duty, mortgage insurance, etc., make up the overhead.
But, the high cost of debt consolidation is converting short-term Debt into the long term. Consolidating Debt into a mortgage may increase the time by 30 years, and this results in costing extra interest.
Debt Consolidation loans are easy to get. Falling into Debt is very easy. Hence people thought that debt consolidation loans would be readily available. But in reality, the more you are having difficulty with your debts, the harder it will be to get a loan.
Debt Consolidation is a Lasting Solution. Within five years, 70 per cent of people max out their credit cards again. The repayments on debt consolidation loans often leave you without savings, and credit cards come into the picture again in case of unexpected expenses. Many won’t address why they are in Debt to start with. It can be reckless spending, inability to save and budget, or gambling.
If you are making payments on your debts, you are well and good. It’s better not to consolidate and make extra payments in the long run, and debt consolidation is a good option for those disciplined at spending.
You may experience difficulty in making your current payments. You may receive calls from the debt collectors too. A Debt Agreement or Personal Insolvency Agreement is the solution to this.
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