Protecting Yourself against Fraud and Scams : Are you safe from fraud? Since 2020, nearly 40,000 fraud reports have been filed in Canada. If you’ve ever been a victim of fraud, you’re aware of the damage and problems that come with it. If you haven’t, consider yourself lucky, and remember that it is critical to be mindful of potential fraud in the world. So how do you protect yourself from frauds and scams? Read on to find out.

Do not fall prey to a scam.

There is no such thing as a quick-rich plan, and the only individuals who profit are the con artists.

Safeguard your bank account, follow these steps:

  1. Never offer money, credit card information, or internet account information to someone you do not know and trust.
  2. Keep all of your receipts.
  3. Examine your bank and credit card statements
  4. Any inexplicable transactions should be reported to your bank.
  5. Keep your bank cards secure and ensure no one else knows your PIN information.

Stay safe online, follow these steps:

  1. Before making a payment, always ensure that you are on a safe website.
  2. Make sure that any website you visit to make transactions (such as your bank or online shopping provider) has the correct URL in the address bar, including the relevant extension (such as ‘.com’).
  3. Always use stringent privacy settings on social networking sites and never click on any links or open any attached files in a spam email.
  4. Do not reply to text messages or missed calls from numbers you do not recognize.

Keep yourself safe while shopping, do the following:

  1. Pay no invoice unless the products or services were ordered and provided.
  2. If someone knocks on your door
  3. You should verify their identity.
  4. You are not required to let them in.
  5. If you ask them to leave, they must.
  6. Before signing anything, read and comprehend the terms and conditions.
  7. Take the contract with you overnight for large purchases.
  8. Ensure you understand how to cancel any subscription services you sign up for.
  9. Always seek independent guidance if an offer involves a significant amount of your money or time.

What is Debt Consolidation?

Debt consolidation is the act of taking out a new loan to pay off other liabilities and consumer debts. Multiple debts consolidated into a single, more considerable debt, such as a loan, with more favorable payback terms, such as a reduced interest rate, a lower monthly payment, or both. You can merge your debts in various ways by pooling them into a single payment.

When looking for debt consolidation, you may come across a few “debt consolidation companies” that are debt settlement companies. You may also come across dodgy businesses that do not provide legitimate services and instead prey on those in debt.

Here are some red flags to look out for while you consider debt consolidation:

  1. When nothing has done, you requested to make a payment.
  2. The company is aggressive.
  3. You ordered to stop communicating with your creditors.
  4. You instructed to stop paying your expenses.
  5. The company is unwilling to provide you with any information.
  6. The corporation makes you an unsolicited offer.
  7. The company promises to lower your total debt amount.

When do you need a Bankruptcy Lawyer?

A bankruptcy lawyer provides legal advice to clients about bankruptcy, prepares legal documents, and represents clients in court. So an lawyer must have a law degree and licensed in the state where they practice. A Bankruptcy Lawyer would be the one to defend you if you are ever to file against a scam or fraud.

Filing for bankruptcy can assist you in getting your finances in order. However, because a bankruptcy filing entails legal issues, navigating the bankruptcy procedure alone can be difficult. You can file the lawsuit without legal assistance, known as proceeding pro se, although most experts recommend hiring a bankruptcy lawyer to handle your case.

You should hire a bankruptcy lawyer if:

  1. You’re hesitant to take the bankruptcy case on your own.
  2. You’re concerned about your paperwork.
  3. You’ve had enough of bill collectors.

Remember that if you cannot afford to retain a bankruptcy lawyer, So you may be eligible for free legal assistance in your area. Contact your local or state bar organization to find free legal aid in your area.

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