It is crucial to have debt consolidation and take control of your liabilities, and it can shape the future of your business and make sure that you sleep better at night. Look at top debt management strategies to help you manage your debt and grow your business confidently.

Reworking the budget of your business

Before diving in to manage the company’s debt, learn and know everything about your current financial situation. Many business owners and entrepreneurs take this step when they have fallen on some monthly payments.

Make sure you give yourself a bigger breathing room by reworking your financial plan. A business budget should be able to identify your fixed costs, variable expenses, and income sources.

It is also better to include a cash flow budget outside of the loss and profit, returns to owners, and ATO obligations. Reworking your budget should be able to make the helpful habit of laying extra money aside to pay predictable expenses, the ATO, your landlord, suppliers, and creditors.

Professional advice from your business adviser or accountant can also help you build a better fine-tune budget.

Improving your cash flow

Even if you are involved in a profitable business, cash flow can cause various obligations in paying debt and managing it. What are the strategies that you can use to improve cash flow?

  1. You should compare actual results with your budget. Understand as well as address the reasons for cash flow. Keep in touch with your cash flow by revising the cash forecast regularly. This way, you can also get to know about future cash requirements.
  2. Make sure invoices of products as well as services takes place in regular periods. Review and refresh the credit terms offered to buyers or customers so that cash is collected for sales faster. You can also set automated payment reminders and other easy online payment options, and it is an easier and more convenient way to boost cash collections.
  3. Carrying slow-moving or excessive inventory can also drain your cash flow.
  4. You should always look for areas where you can save cash, save, and cut extra costs. It will not have a bad impact on your business goals and objectives, and it can free up additional cash.

Prioritize your debts by reviewing 

Make sure you review your liabilities and debt. Start making a list by prioritizing them and planning how can they be paid. This list can also include the following liabilities:

  1. Asset finance, overdrafts, and bank loans
  2. Suppliers
  3. ATO debts (income tax, GST, PAYGW)
  4. Employer obligations and super guarantee (SG)
  5. Revenue NSW and payroll tax

Make sure you keep those liabilities or debts on the top, which can adversely affect you and your business if they are paid late. You can also be charged significant penalties if you make late payments on certain types of debts. Hence, it is important to make sure that lodgments are kept up to date so that you can meet tax payments.

Considering refinancing and reviewing loan terms

Review your loan to ensure you get a competitive deal that can make significant savings. If you choose to refinance, it can also help you restructure your debt management in many ways. For example, optimizing tax deductibility for debt, changing loan durations, consolidating multiple loans into a more reliable single facility, etc.,

It is easy to continue the given options when you have a good credit score. It will make procedures easier with your lenders.

Increase your sales 

When you prioritize your debt, improve your budget, improve cash flow, and review loans, you should focus on spending your energy on increasing sales and profits. Many business owners get so involved in managing depts that they forget they might be losing customers, services, and products. Make sure you balance everything.


The fundamental strategy for managing debt is not waiting until your business hits a financial crisis. Whether you have a small or significant debt, make sure that you complete the above strategies and pay them on time. You can restructure your debt and seek to refinance your current debt.

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